Dating Someone With Asperger’s? Here’s How To Strengthen Your Bond

Many autistic adults are able to successfully hold jobs and live independent lives with minimal support. They can also develop close personal relationships that lead to marriages and families. Despite problems in relationships, most people with autism can develop them, make romantic and intimate connections, and even get married and give birth to children. So, dating with autism is completely possible. Appreciate your partner’s special interest. Many autistic people have a few favorite subjects that they are very passionate about.

How to Feel More Comfortable Opening Up, as an Adult with Autism

If it doesn’t work out with the person you meet, at least you will have done your best to enjoy the experience, for yourself and your date. Disclosing your diagnosis also gives you an idea of how open and accepting the other person is. If he or she is not accepting or understanding, that’s probably a sign that this person is not right for you. Most people prefer taking things slow, not rushing into anything and not overdoing getting to know someone. It takes time to develop a lasting relationship, and you are wise to put your efforts into the slow, steady process of getting to know someone and building the intimacy that creates a successful relationship.

It’s okay to be vulnerable, and to lean on her when you’re struggling. Let her show you how much she cares.In general, autistic people tend to be fair, logical, nonjudgmental, compassionate, and capable of thinking outside the box. Your girlfriend may be a fantastic problem solver.

It discusses the action that he took to repair and improve his marriage. He recently read “Look Me in the Eye” by John Elder Robison. The same author has written “Raising Cubby”, which details his role as a husband/parent. I asked in aspie forums, and most aspies said they’re married or in a relationship. Still, I’m just amazed that your husband enjoyed dating other women while he was married to you. The diversity of human beings astounds me, and clearly this includes AS as well as NT.

A simple solution is to pay attention to the words you use. This works because words are what your Asperger’s partner will notice. They can also be very honest and loyal partners, once they have formed a close bond with someone. People with ASD often need perfectionism prices which can lead to them being very detail-oriented. This can be beneficial in many areas of life, including their work or studies. One of the things that make dating someone with ASD so unique is their ability to focus intensely on one topic or interest.

Can an individual with Asperger’s Have

You might be surprised at what you discover. Every woman wants to feel appreciated and wanted. Even something as simple as “Good morning, beautiful” could make her day. Listening is an important part of a healthy relationship, especially if her mind works a little differently than yours does. Listen to how she feels, what her dreams are, and how she sees the world. Your girlfriend won’t always understand how to act, and you can help by clarifying her intentions to others or gently nudging her onto the right track.

For example, you might both enjoy movies, but your autistic partner may be uncomfortable with the sensory onslaught of a loud movie theater. You could compromise with dinner in a quiet restaurant followed by a volume-controlled movie at home. Your partner with Asperger’s may be more articulate than is typical, with a sophisticated vocabulary. At the same time, they may not respond to other elements of communication that are nonverbal or paraverbal . Just because people with Asperger’s are fluently verbal doesn’t mean they communicate the same way as allistic people.

This could also be an opportunity to air any grievances. As with any romantic relationship, a mismatched sex drive could potentially lead to some difficulties. When dating a person with Asperger’s, you may find you’re on the receiving end of some blunt comments. Experts say it’s important to remember that your partner may not have meant to upset you.

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Your partner may also have developed a pattern of retreating to his special interests, in part as a coping mechanism and not knowing what to do to make you happy. This can be due to communication differences and difficulties such that he does not have the information needed to carry out your wishes. He then decides it is better to do nothing then to do the wrong thing. Sensory issues very often affect individuals on the autism spectrum. As mentioned before, one or more of the senses may be affected.

By practicing clear communication and empathetically approaching their needs, you will be able to better support your spouse, who can, in turn, better support you as well. Sometimes you will need to advocate for yourself in a difficult situation, and you can’t expect your spouse to automatically pick up on your nonverbal hints. This might mean using clear and specific language to tell your spouse exactly what you need.

“I’m feeling really stressed because of this report I have due. I’d like to be left alone to work for a while.” Be clear about any problems as they happen. Your girlfriend might not be good at “reading between the lines” and recognizing when you’re upset. It’s helpful to use your words and explain to her what is wrong.

We don’t live together but he makes it clear that I am an important part of his life as he is mine. Once I accepted our differences as well as our similarities our friendship has blossomed into something beautiful. I’m more emotionally mature as a result of our friendship and my ego gets told to “shut up” quite often. He gives great advice if I ask him about a problem.
